Pea Salad Recipe

Monday, August 22, 2016

Mom's Pea Salad Recipe-

This pea salad makes a great side dish for parties or holidays.  It is also a good recipe to diet on.

1. Bag of celery
2. Bag of long carrots
3. 1 large can of green olives
4. 2 Bags of frozen sweet peas
5. 2 Onions
6. Hellman's Mayonnaise


1. Cut up the celery and carrots and onions into small pieces and mix it all into a large bowl together.

2. Boil the sweat peas for a few minutes.  You want the peas to be soft but, not too soft.  Give it about 15 minutes.  Maybe 20.  Let them cool off for awhile before mixing in with the other ingredients.

3. When the peas are ready, add them to your large bowl of celery, carrots, and onion.  Mix all of this.  

4. Add in the Hellman's Mayonnaise.  I usually add about 2-3 big spoon fulls of this.

5. Drain the olive juice from the can and then add the olives to the large bowl of ingredients.

6.  Mix all of the ingredients well and refrigerate for a hour.

7. Add bacon to the top if you choose and you are ready to eat. :)
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